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The JUMPER jump rope team strives for style and innovation. All members are representatives of the Hong Kong Rope Skipping Delegation with profuse experience in international competitions. In our challenging jump rope performances, we combine speed, somersaults, gymnastics, dance and other elements into music to bring audience an eye opening experience in appreciating the sports with lots of breathtakingly-skilled jumps and stunning surprises, which always create a sensational atmosphere in wherever we go.
JUMPER 花式跳繩表演隊伍,力求獨特與創新,各成員均為香港跳繩代表隊成員,曾於不同國際跳繩舞台上演出。高難度的跳繩花式中,融合速度、空翻、體操及跳舞等元素,配合音樂做出一連串你意想不到的「跳」法,必定能夠為觀眾帶來一場賞心悅目,驚喜無限的演出,令現場氣氛提升至極點!
Commercials, Annual Dinner, TV/Radio Shows, Festivals, Opening/Closing Ceremony, Product Launches, Sport Events, Parties, … for each event we have a show!
商場活動、週年晚宴、電視節目、電台節目、節日慶典活動、揭幕 / 開張典禮、各類型比賽活動、發佈會、演唱會、頒獎禮、生日派對、戶外嘉年華會、大型派對等等。
We are able to work together with other artists, deliver group routines, choreograph new shows, change the outfit, … just let us know what your ideas are or requirements!
Show Application 表演服務申請
* JUMPER accept the payment by Purchasing Card (P-Card).
* 繩舞館 接受以政府採購卡付款
Show Experience 演出經驗
Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited
Hong Kong Circus
Ernst & Young
Hong Kong Games
W.T.S. District Council
The AIA Great European Carnival
Methodist Centrel
67th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China
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