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JUMPER STUDIO 位於香港石門,佔地二千平方呎,由石門港鐵站 C 出口,步行約 3 分鐘即可到達。為提升跳繩教學效能,場館內設有彈性木地板、強化纖維玻璃牆鏡、體操軟墊及音響組合,以輔助跳繩教學。( 沙田石門安耀街 5 號 W LUXE 27 樓 N02 室 )
Locating in Shek Mun, JUMPER Studio (totalling 2,000 sq. feet) stands at a prime situation with only 2-3 minutes walking distance from Exit C of Shek Mun MTR Station. The studio is well-equipped with resourceful facilities – elastic wooden floor, fibre-reinforced glass mirrors on the walls, gymnastic mats and audio system – to assist our teaching.
N02, 27/F, W LUXE, No. 5, On Yiu Street, Shek Mun, Sha Tin
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